PINK Nation
Victoria's Secret Mobile AppPINK Nation

Victoria’s Secret PINK has established a community of fans that call their group PINK Nation. Loyalty and the image PINK has created amongst their shoppers is admirable. Members of the brand community stay up-to-date on the latest styles, lifestyle tips, exclusive deals through engaging with social media and the main Victoria’s Secret PINK website. What was missing was a critical opportunity to reach members more important and frequently used than any other platform, their mobile phones. Therefore, creating a native mobile app for members would hopefully strength brand integrity and met an unnoticed need.

Establishing the Goal
Growing and strengthening brand loyalty meant fully understanding the users. After using market research and immersing myself into the brand through time at Victoria’s Secret PINK stores, I was able to meet actual customers. The data gathered from observations and interactions gave me an understanding of how the fans would want to engage with the app as well as some hidden surprises that are of relevance.