
Personalizing Amazon

Sr UX Designer

Personalizing Amazon

The problem

A major issue customers face when shopping on Amazon is the overwhelming abundance of choices, making it difficult to confidently find relevant products quickly. Customer are left to filter through products inefficiently and repeatedly input preferences, leading to a time-consuming and less enjoyable shopping process that aren’t easily picked-up at a later time.


August 2021 – May 2022


Lead Sr. UX Designer
Amazon / Personalization & Shopping Design 

Amazon Missions UXResearch 1 1
Amazon Missions UXResearch 2 2

Understanding the problem

I reviewed prior studies that included customer anecdotes and engagement metrics specifically focusing on browsing history and relevancy of recommendations. The hope was to identify opportunities for leveraging customer intent and personalization to improve the experience.

Amazon Customer Quote Toaster
Amazon Missions Personalized Examples 1 1
Amazon Missions Personalized Examples 2 1
Amazon Personalization Wireframe1 4
Amazon Personalization Wireframe2 3
Amazon Customer Flow 2
Amazon Missions LandingPage 2
Amazon Personalization Wireframe Flow 1

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