
Livestream Shopping on Amazon

Sr UX Designer

Livestream Shopping on Amazon

Livestream Shopping on Amazon

navigating the vast catalog of products and reviews on Amazon

As the amount of sellers and brands increase on Amazon, the amount of similar products can become overwhelming. To help overcome this, customers typically would rely on reviews to make purchasing decisions. However, recent news stories have warned customers that Amazon reviews aren’t trustworthy. Customers need a new way to shop online that builds confidence.

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a better way to interact with brands – in real time

Previously, customers have relied on other shoppers’ reviews to make purchase decisions. However, as the lead UX designer on the team, I relied on the popularity of livestream shopping in Asia as an experience to test in the U.S. that would ease the cognitive load of researching products on Amazon. My proposal was to create an unobtrusive livestream experience that is intertwined with the familiar shopping experience. When interacted with, the livestream would allow customers to ask hosts (brands and other shoppers) questions with real time answers and demonstrations, allowing customers to make decisions on their own of the value and rating of that product.

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